Twins. Some people pray for them, others can’t imagine having more than one at once. Pregnancy takes a toll on the body, supporting not just two lives, but three; and while most twins are typically smaller in birth weight than a single baby, their combined weight is usually more. More stretching of your skin. More sagging in your breasts. More adorableness. More love.
Lost Confidence, Gained Weight
It can be hard to get your body back after a single pregnancy, but snapping back after twins seems impossible for many women. Not only is the pregnancy harder, there is less time afterward to practice any form of self-care, including exercise. It’s easy to lose your spirit and self-assurance. And then you look at someone like Beyonce and wonder, how does she do it? Her gorgeous twins are just a year old, but looking at the Queen Bey, it’s impossible to tell that she was ever pregnant!
Well, the truth is, she probably has some help. It’s easier to keep on track with clean eating and the right exercises when someone is assisting you!
Get Your Body Back
You’ve a bit of help in your corner, too! Getting a pre-twins or even pre-single baby figure back can be as easy as coming to see Dr. Agullo at Southwest Plastic Surgery.
We offer several different treatments both individually or in combination, so no matter where your baby weight was stored there’s a solution. If you have some sags and pooches in many places, a full Mommy Makeover may be your ticket to a smoother, leaner, more confident you. Get social with Dr. Worldwide for before and after shots: @RealDrWorldWide on Snapchat and Instagram, @Agullo on Twitter, or @AgulloPlasticSurgery on Facebook.