Host of “Revenge Body,” Khloe Kardashian says that the split with Lamar Odom gave her the willpower to not only change her own life, but others who are going through the same thing. From weight loss to “revenge” plastic surgery, she encourages others to embrace a body that helps them overcome depression, poor self-esteem, and embarrassment.
Unfortunately, the beautiful Khloe isn’t any stranger to bullying or critics, as she’s often compared side-by-side to her gorgeous sisters. Yet take a step back, and she’s nothing less than dazzling, herself!
Not only did Khloe work with personal trainers to tone up her body and lose weight, she also knows the importance of having a great plastic surgeon. The final details are rounded off with great makeup, a perfect dress, and a new hairstyle.
Why all of the changes? For some people, a new body is a new lifestyle. It equates to being able to jump back into the dating scene and make their ex jealous in the process (hence the “revenge” factor.)
What Does a Revenge Body Look Like?
Think about it. What is it that you want to change the most about yourself, that you have no power over? While you can change your attitude and your clothes, there’s not much you can do by yourself to change your bust size, sculpt your nose, or even get rid of the stretched out skin after having a few babies.
Dr. Agullo, AKA Dr. WorldWide, believes that cosmetic and plastic surgery should be well thought out and beneficial to the person having the procedure (not just a rebound action to make your ex jealous!) As such, we’ll walk you through a variety of different services and help you tailor your makeover to achieve the best results in the least time.
Are you interested in finding out more about getting a boob job or a butt lift? Watch Dr. WorldWide in action on Snapchat @RealDrWorldWide. You can also catch a lot of before and afters and the lighter side of plastic surgery with all his catch phrases on Instagram at @RealDrWorldWide.